6 Fun How To Celebrate Pregnancy

How To Celebrate Pregnancy

People talk a lot about planning a pregnancy, preparing for the baby’s arrival, and parenting. However, there isn’t a lot of talk about how to actually enjoy being pregnant. Pregnancy is a glorious time full of changes and growth. It’s the calm before the storm of parenthood. Here are our favorite ways on how to celebrate pregnancy, while you’re pregnant!

1. Take care of your body 

First and foremost, celebrate your body. Take the time to appreciate how amazing the female body is – and then take some time to treat yourself well! Create self-care rituals that you can carry throughout your pregnancy. Some of our favorite things to include are skincare, pedicures, massages, yoga, long walks, or stretching. Don’t limit yourself to our list – whatever you enjoy doing that makes you take time to celebrate your body, do it!

2. Use your pregnancy rights and privileges

You only get pregnancy privileges for nine months – you might as well use them! This might mean allowing people to open doors for you, or give up their seat on the bus for you. It also means making your partner go to the store for whatever food you’re randomly craving at 9pm. Ask your partner to rub your back and feet – whatever you need, now is the time to ask. Wear what you want! Whether that is a tight dress to show off the belly, or a big hoodie when you just want to be comfy (like our Mama hoodie) – you get to call the shots during your pregnancy.

3. Decorate your belly

It can be hard to embrace a changing body, especially when the changes are so dramatic. Take time to recognize that your belly won’t be this big for very long. After the baby comes, you might even miss it! We love this body paint for decorating the belly. It’s a fun way to spend a Saturday night. If you’re looking for ideas, there are tons on Pinterest. You don’t have to be Picasso to do this activity – just have fun with it! Make sure to snap some cute photos for your baby book.

4. Journal about the pregnancy and body changes

Pregnancy can feel like it lasts forever, but when it’s done, it’s done. Get a pregnancy journal and write out how you’re feeling, the changes you’re noticing, and what you’re grateful for. Take notes on when you begin to show, when you feel the baby kicking, what foods you’re craving and what foods you can’t stand. You’ll be so happy you took the time to do it when you want to reflect later.

 5. Take bets on gender and birthday 

Involve your friends and family in the celebration by taking bets! Get a couple of fun prizes to make the competition a little more interesting. You could also have people bet $1 or $5, and the more that enter, the bigger the prize will be.

6. Throw a party to say goodbye to being childless

This should be a celebration, your last hurrah! Invite your friends over, stay up late, and take photos. Create some fun, baby-related cocktails and mocktails. Most importantly, really try to be in the moment and capture the memories of life before the baby. We all know that once the baby comes, life will be totally different – for the better!

We hope our how to celebrate pregnancy helps you take your celebration to the next level. If you’ve enjoyed this blog, subscribe to our newsletter, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

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